The 2015 Sustainability Awards: proudly sponsored by Cedar Sales

Sustainability is a hot-button issue that only increases in importance with every passing year. It is especially important for the building design and construction industry, as buildings require large quantities of natural resources to construct. The Sustainability Awards were established to honour and encourage those champions of the environment who incorporate responsible practices into every

The Sustainability Awards

Established to honour and encourage those champions of the environment who incorporate responsible practices into every stage of the building and design process. Running annually since 2007, the Sustainability Awards has become one of the most prestigious events of the year, and the highest honour to bestow upon the environmentally responsible.

The awards include:

  • Green Building Project
  • Innovation of the Year
  • Landscape Design
  • Small Commercial (sponsored by Cedar Sales)
  • Large Commercial
  • Office Fitout
  • Public Building and Urban Design
  • Single Dwelling Single Dwelling Alterations or Additions
  • Multi-Density Residential 2015’s Best of the Best

All finalists are celebrated for their excellent work in online magazines such as Architecture & Design, Infolink-BPN, an awards booklet and several other publications and press releases. Cedar Sales are honoured to sponsor the 2015 Sustainability Awards. Safeguarding the world’s limited natural resources is a team effort, which is why we must not only behave responsibly in our own practices, but promote others who do the same. By publicly rewarding and reinforcing good behaviour, it encourages others to adopt it as well, making our cumulative efforts stronger.

Cedar Sales’ exemplary sustainable initiatives

For more than 30 years, Cedar Sales has gone the extra mile to pursue sustainable initiatives based around the responsible sourcing and application of Western Red Cedar. This magnificent wood is perfect for sustainable building, as producing it requires less energy and creates less pollution and fewer greenhouse gases than alternatives, while being a renewable resource. View our Complete Guide to Western Red Cedar to learn more.

Cedar Sales also consider the environment when sourcing materials, guaranteeing to customers that products originate from well managed forests, controlled sources and reclaimed materials. We believe in leaving a better world for future generations to live in. Our portfolio of sustainable projects includes work on office towers, shopping complexes, hotels, clubs and more, Our red cedar brings a genuine, classy and timeless feel to these locales, while perfectly accentuating their natural strengths.