Sustainable Bodies Governing the Sustainable Manufacture of Building Products

Sustainable bodies are created to provide transparency and accountability in the manufacture of building products.  The main sustainable bodies are PEFC, Global Green Tag & ASI.

PEFC Certification

–  PEFC stands for the ‘Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification’.

–  PEFC provides an internationally recognized certification system that assesses and verifies the sustainable management of forests and the traceability of forest-based products.

–  It ensure that forests are managed according to strict environmental, social, and economic standards. Including the protection of biodiversity and wildlife.

–  With members in more than 50 countries, and is recognised by many leading organisations, including the United Nations and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). PEFC is a non-profit organisation.

–  Modinex meets the requirements for Chain of Custody Certification according to the following Standard: Standards PEFC ST 2002: 2013.

PEFC Certified

Global Green Tag

–  Global GreenTag is a robust, trusted and widely recognized ecolabel. The green rate program is a product rating system designed to meet the requirements of the green building council of Australia’s Green Star ® ‘Sustainable Products’ credits.

–  As a specifier or designer this can benefit as you can get trustworthy information on green products fast and efficiently.

–  GreenTag has a stringent compliance process where products must comply with the following,
ISO 9001, ISO 12024, ISO 17065, ISO 14040 , ISO 14044, ISO 14067, ISO 14025, ISO 21930, EN 15804, ACCC and US Trade Marks & Patents Office Approved Certification Mark.

Global Green Tag


ASI (Aluminium Stewardship Initiative)

–  The Aluminum Stewardship Initiative (ASI) is a global non-profit organisation that brings together producers, users and stakeholders in the aluminium value chain.

–  ASI members are committed to the sustainable production and use of aluminium.

–  Each company in the value chain for ASI Aluminum has been independently certified against the ASI performance standard and the ASI Chain of Custody Standard.

–  This provides Australian manufacturers and consumers with complete transparency regarding the source of their primary aluminum.

– Manufacturers and end users can demonstrate their commitment to a sustainable supply chain by using ASI certified aluminium.

ASI Member